Lyallpur Organics Farm


Lyallpur Organics owns fully fertile and friendly lands for the cultivation of turmeric (Haldi) and other spices. Along with these, we have floral farms only for the production of natural, organic, and raw honey with no external additives or artificial methods to make honey. With all the knowledge based on scientific research and experience through all these years of production of crops.

We have become experts in preparing the lands for turmeric (Haldi) and spice crops. Before doing anything else, land preparation is our foremost priority so that our crops would become naturally filled with all the essential nutritional values they are meant for. 


Once the land is ready, with the help of the latest machinery. Our experts sow the seeds with the utmost care by following every scientifically recommended process because the process of cultivation needs a lot of attention.

For the best nutritional values in the final crop, all the plant nutrition should come directly from the soil. For that purpose, each plant should have a specific distance for its own nutritional needs which is a scientifically proven fact.

All the plants, our automatic machinery is a guardian to push the seed to the specific depth for its proper natural growth. The desired results can only be achieved when the cultivation of seeds is according to the demands of the seeds.


Once the cultivation is done, the crop is looked after quite carefully. So that in case of any emergency, our experts may be able to handle the situation. For instance, the weather changes and the flow of air through the fields at a pace more than the bearable one for the crop. Our experienced staff is there to cope with all these situations. Moreover, our experts have quite a detailed knowledge of how to handle unwanted weeds. And They also experts in how to naturally control and handle the pests’ attack on the crops. So our crops are free from every kind of external attack of pests and still, they have no fertilizers’ inclusion. Because, if not earlier, fertilizers affect human health in the long run.


After careful growth of the crop for a period of seven to eight months. Our staff manually pull out the whole plant from the soil very carefully so that no root could be damaged. Lyallpur Organics’ staff, then, washes the roots to separate the soil. Once the clay is removed, the careful cutting process of roots takes place. After that, the rhizomes of turmeric (Haldi) are carefully separated from the plant stem in the center.

The rhizomes and mother rhizomes are separated and the mother rhizomes are preserved for the following year’s further plantation. Every single step is performing in the plant with utmost care. It is for this reason that even our raw turmeric (Haldi) and spices that are not processed after the harvesting are trusted equally both locally and abroad. And we are primarily focusing on staying consistent with our quality assurance for better human health development and sustenance.