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Lyallpur Organics Premium Honey (Khalis Shehad) – 100% Natural & Pure | Rich in Flavor & Nutrients | Perfect for Sweetening, Cooking & Health Benefits

Natural Organic Honey is one of the most known tonics used for flavoring foods. It is filled with nutritional and medicinal values. Honey is a supersaturated solution of sugar made by bees.  At the hive, honeybees add enzymes to the nectar and place it in wax cells where it ripens to form honey. During ripening, the enzymes convert sucrose (a type of sugar in the nectar) into glucose and fructose. It is used as an eternity by mankind for taste in daily foods.

Lyallpur Organics Porducts

Benefits of Honey

Honey which is known as shahad in common language is a complete source of nutrition and have many health benefits

  • Honey is used to treat every disease as it is a natural stabilizer of every body part and its chemical composition.
  • Pure Honey contains nutritional values and fights bacteria, fungal infections, and inflammations.
  • Natural Honey has a taste that makes food digestible as well as tasty.
  • Highly filled with antioxidants, honey contains several health benefits including rapid wounds and burns to heal.
  • It not only adds aroma and taste to the foods but also serves as one of the best nutrients across the world.
  • It is also used for treating every type of disease except death. Also contains various nutritional values.
  • Natural Honey is used in treating wounds, skin burns, fighting bacteria, coping with viral diseases, and helping in healing wounds rapidly.
  • It treats stress, anxiety, weakness, sleep disturbance, and vision problems. Also helps treat hiccups, cough, asthma, diarrhea, dysentery, vomiting, high blood pressure, etc.
  • It has magical effects on human health, especially as it is a wonderful natural food to tackle obesity issues. From jaundice to eczema and several other skin issues, honey treats and heals everything.
  • It boosts metabolism and digestion and increases the gut health in which the liver and kidneys are included.
  • It causes strength in our body’s defense system which helps fight several diseases.

Nutritional Values

In addition to all these benefits, shahad has the following nutritious elements per 100 grams

  •         Energy  288 kcal
  •         Carbohydrates 76.8 grams
  •         Fructose 41.8 grams
  •         Glucose 34.6 grams
  •         Proteins 0.4 grams

Some of the vitamins found in honey include ascorbic acid, pantothenic acid, niacin, and riboflavin; along with minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

Pure and Natural Honey

Lyallpur Organics has conducted a detailed and thorough countrywide survey in which we have discovered that the honey being sold in the markets contained numerous harmful additives posing various threats to human health. In most cases, artificial or fake honey is sold and artificial taste essences are added to increase the quantity and weightage for bulk sale.

Locals have also formed several colonies of bees that feed on raw Gurr to turn it into organic honey. The problem with such fake honey is that it is neither nutritious, nor medicinal, and does not stay for long. By doing so, the local distributors pose uncountable threats to human lives. Many of them have been banned and fined by the government too.

In this chaotic situation, Lyallpur Organics has committed to fight back this damaging situation that poked upon human health. We, at Lyallpur Organics, provide our customers the purest and the best organic, fresh honey with no additives at all. Lyallpur Organics’ honey is produced in the natural flower farms where diversity of flower crops is produced upon which the bees naturally feed and make their hives on the nearby trees.

Lyallpur honey is full of natural and organic nutritional values fully load with health-oriented nutrition. It is for that we won the trust of millions in quality provision and sustenance. Lyallpur honey is a certified organic product, certified by the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.

Lyallpur Organics is the trustable brand for supplying the purest and organic honey nationwide as well as abroad.
Our Organic honey is free from all additives and harmful components and carries no impurities at all. Moreover, our treatment with organic honey is tried and tested minutely enough that we leave no room for any nutritional hazard in our product.

Careful Scientific Packaging

Among several other processes of treating honey, the packaging is the crucial step where we minutely monitor the process so that no extra additives can get mixed into it. Because we care for humanity, and we do not want our fellow humans to suffer from impurities. Moreover, packaging is one of the most critical stages which cannot be ignored.

Lyallpur Organics never compromise on the quality and packaging of the product. Lyallpur Organics takes the utmost care while processing the packaging of our products because these products can sustain the best quality only if they are packed with proper care. In packaging, the science of air tightening does not let any bacterial or viral impurity flourish upon the product.

It enables the quality of the product to last long for our day-to-day kitchen uses. We also provide custom packaging in bulk quantities for commercial use. In the case of bulk purchases, our prices can vary depending on the size of bulk ordered. But one thing to remember is that we never ever compromise on the quality to supply the quantity.

It is for this reason that we have won the trust of millions both in Pakistan and abroad.

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  • (0309) 111 0707
  • 17-C Khayaban-e-Jinnah, Block C Block B Opf Housing Scheme, Lahore, Punjab 54000, Pakistan.
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