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Basil seed Recipe with Cucumber, Mint, and Lemon

Stay well hydrated this summer with this natural body coolant drink – Cucumber, mint lemonade with sweet basil seeds. Cucumber and basil seeds are high in vitamins, Iron and Potassium. Both cucumber and sweet basil seeds are natural body coolants. Cucumber helps in weight loss and sweet basil seeds keep filling for hours. Have this drink for breakfast and we can guarantee you that you will not feel hungry till lunchtime. And one more health benefit of this juice is that it is good for your skin. Include this drink twice a week to get glowing skin.

Ingredients Basil Seeds Recipe (Tukhm e Rehan)

  • 2 Lemons Zest of a lemon
  • 1/2 Organic cucumber sliced ( 8 to 9 slices)
  • 4 Tablespoons of granulated white sugar
  • 1 Cup water to prepare the sweet syrup
  • 500 ml chilled water
  • 2 Lemons
  • 6 fresh mint leaves
  • 2 Tablespoon sweet basil seeds or Tukhm e Rehan –
  • Soak them in 1/3 cup of regular tap water for 10 minutes with a big pinch of salt.

Directions For basil seeds Recipe (Tukhm e Rehan)

1. In a pan, add 4 tablespoons of sugar and 1 cup water and bring it to a boil. Reduce the flame to medium and cook the sugar syrup for 5 minutes until it thickens slightly. Switch off the flame and cool the syrup completely.

2. In a food processor/juicer add sliced cucumber, mint leaves, and process until the cucumbers are pureed to a thick paste.

3. Squeeze out the juice of 2 lemons.

4. In a large mixing bowl, add lemon juice, cucumber puree, sugar syrup, and 500 ml of chilled water

5. Give it a nice stir. Add a pinch of salt and stir in.

6. Now, strain this lemonade through a strainer to remove any cucumber seeds or mint leaves. After straining the lemonade will look clear and see-through.

7. Stir in lemon zest and pour the lemonade into the pitcher 8. Pour in serving glass and top it with soaked basil seeds / sabja seeds.

If you want to know the basil seeds price in Pakistan you can visit our store.

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