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Frieght Managment


Lyallpur Organics is a tried and trusted platform which offers its customers a shipping facility both within Pakistan and abroad. Our past experience with freight management spans over a couple of decades which wins us the confidence of claiming our shipping service to be flawless till the ordered items are safely in the hands of our prestigious and respected customers. Not only this, with a feedback-based service we offer to our customers regarding shipping, our return and replacement policy is equally active and hassle-free. We believe that human beings are made of so many mistakes. We always strive to achieve perfection but if in case any of the packages delivered at the customers’ end has any lacking, flaw, or not up to the mark, our return policy is equally strong and customer-friendly.


For the orders of our turmeric (Haldi), spices, and honey within the country, we have a nationwide network of efficient, safe, and fastest cargo delivery systems behind which, our prime concern is to sustain the quality as well as customers’ trust regarding our services. For the fastest and safest delivery purposes, several top-of-the-line international companies working locally are already on our panel to serve the nation with efficient and timely delivery services so that we may sustain the trust of our customers. Our agreements involve the insured delivery of our packages safely without even single damage because only this way we can provide our valued customers with carefully processed organic products.


Lyallpur Organics efficiently manages the orders from abroad. We have multiple options for delivering the shipment with care. Depending on the distance or the part of the world our shipment is needed, we have ocean freight as well as air cargo services. In each case, however, the delivery process is made the fastest and safest for early delivery of our fresh products. For international delivery purposes, we have additionally fixed contracts with top-notch best cargo services which have a shining track record in this field. Be it ocean freight or air cargo service, our products are delivered on a priority basis. One of the prime reasons is our organic products’ safety from quality interruption. Since there is no compromise on quality, our products’ shipment is also as efficient as our products regarding their nutritional values.

Contact Us

  • (0309) 111 0707
  • 17-C Khayaban-e-Jinnah, Block C Block B Opf Housing Scheme, Lahore, Punjab 54000, Pakistan.
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Lyallpur Organics (pvt) Ltd.
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