Lyallpur Organics’ Vision,” by Mr. Adeel Ahmed, chairman of Lyallpur Organics (Pvt) Ltd., is his organization’s motivational theory. It enhances the situation with Lyallpur Organics and its business plan to revitalize its business model, and increase customer loyalty and value. Mr. Adeel’s Vision for Lyallpur is a bit different than the leadership styles of many of the large corporations that have had their vision turned into a nightmare, and their management turned their mission statement on their back.
However, the theme that runs through both his strategy and that of Lyallpur is that the organization must reinvent itself and get back to its roots. Lyallpur’s vision is to re-invigorate the” Lyallpur Organics” trademark products and brand, bring back the quality of products created in Pakistan, and focus on creating a higher value product with a higher value for the customer. Mr. Adeel is quoted as saying, “We have the right product, the right leadership, and the courage to reinvent,” and that Lyallpur’s products are worth more than financial value.
However, the theme that runs through both his strategy and that of Lyallpur is that the organization must reinvent itself and get back to its roots. Lyallpur’s vision is to re-invigorate the” Lyallpur Organics” trademark products and brand, bring back the quality of products created in Pakistan, and focus on creating a higher value product with a higher value for the customer. Mr. Adeel is quoted as saying, “We have the right product, the right leadership, and the courage to reinvent,” and that Lyallpur’s products are worth more than financial value.
It is not uncommon for big business organizations to spend millions of dollars on their vision and mission and spend another million dollars on their board and committee chairmanship. Yet, their products, leadership, and vision do not match their description of value, and their businesses cannot generate a large recurring income, and they have no long-term prospects for profitability.
On the other hand, Lyallpur Organics has a product or service, that is priced competitively, and whose leadership values customer loyalty and employee retention, and has a plan to implement those things, is certain to generate a significant amount of profit, and keep revenues coming in for years to come. Mr. Adeel, Lyallpur’s Chairman, and a former member of the boards of AgriThing.com is clearly a leader who knows what he is talking about, and Lyallpur’s board is clearly of the same opinion.
The chairman’s message has given the statement to motivate, reassure, and inspire our employees and our customers. By putting forward a clear and concise vision, and the company’s plans to achieve it, we would like to leave a lasting positive impact on all parties.
(Mr. Adeel Ahmed)
On the other hand, Lyallpur Organics has a product or service, that is priced competitively, and whose leadership values customer loyalty and employee retention, and has a plan to implement those things, is certain to generate a significant amount of profit, and keep revenues coming in for years to come. Mr. Adeel, Lyallpur’s Chairman, and a former member of the boards of AgriThing.com is clearly a leader who knows what he is talking about, and Lyallpur’s board is clearly of the same opinion.
The chairman’s message has given the statement to motivate, reassure, and inspire our employees and our customers. By putting forward a clear and concise vision, and the company’s plans to achieve it, we would like to leave a lasting positive impact on all parties.
(Mr. Adeel Ahmed)